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ascii keyboardの例文


  • The AIM included a full ASCII keyboard, a 20-character interpreter to choose from.
  • Don Lancaster did an ASCII keyboard for " Popular Electronics " in April 1974.
  • The original TV Typewriter book cover shows an ASCII keyboard designed by Don Lancaster and sold by Southwest Technical Products.
  • However, to make a working computer, users still had to add a case, power supply transformers, power switch, ASCII keyboard and composite video display.
  • Some emoticons may be read right to left instead, and in fact can only be written using standard ASCII keyboard characters this way round; for example D : which refers to being shocked or anxious, opposite to the large grin of : D.
  • Some of them are the International Alphabet of Sanskrit Transliteration or " IAST system " " Indian languages Transliteration " or ITRANS ( uses upper case alphabets suited for ASCII keyboards ), and the extension of IAST intended for non-Sanskrit languages of the Indian region called the National Library at Kolkata romanization.
  • The fact that the CVI was also a " computer " was transparent to its use : it did not use a conventional ASCII keyboard ( though in later models one could be attached ), but rather a set of sliders and a small graphics pad about the size of the palm of a hand.
  • A bulky 96-character ASCII keyboard with a 10-key numeric keypad and a cursor diamond which otherwise defaulted to Ctrl-A to Ctrl-D . It also included " Help " and " Line Feed " keys, and was attached to the back of the CRT unit by a thick cable.
  • A simple two-socket " Mini Motherboard " connected the Microtan 65 and TANEX boards for minimum expansion and in this form the system was also available ready-built from Tangerine, complete with case and full ASCII keyboard, as the "'Tangerine Micron "', costing ?95.00 in 1981.